6 Ways to Redefine Quality in Translation Services
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TridIndia on
December 22, 2016
Views: 6,096
Quality is a very common and important word for the business world. Thus, the need to Redefine Quality in Translation Services has become the most critical element for most of the organizations. According to studies, this need arise as a result of neglecting quality parameters by most of the business firms. Unknowingly, a major proportion of the organizations, usually commit the mistake of avoiding quality. Thus, it results in huge losses and bad reputation in the market.
If you are also amongst those who have been committing such mistakes, then the following ways will surely help you improve quality in your services:
1. Globally Recognized Quality Management Process
The foremost factor essential for any organization, must be ensuring the quality of all the processes. Make sure that your translation services are globally recognized for their authenticity and quality. For this, you need to represent a testament to your quality measures, i.e. certification by ISO.
2. Only Proficient and Skilled Translators
Make sure that your team boasts of qualified and skilled translators. The expertise of translator will define the extent of quality in your work and services. Thus, it is advisable to appoint translators for your firm, sensibly. To be more specific, you can search for translators who:
• Have nearly two or three years’ experience in the domain.
• Hold a professional and certified translation qualification.
• Are official members of various professional translation bodies in their local country.
• Are fluent in their native as well as one or two other languages.
3. Constant Monitoring and Feedback
Just as the principal at school, keeps an eye on all the teachers and students, you should also have a record of the work of your translators. For ensuring the quality of translation work, you can ask for a feedback from your clients as well as from other translators. This way, you will be able to grade and rank the translators on their capability. Further, by identifying the quality contribution from each translator, you will be able to control mistakes and errors.
4. Editing and Translating
We all know that there is nothing better than a second pair of eyes to proof-read the complex work. Thus, reviewing the entire task once again helps in maintain the quality level to the highest degree. After the translation is over, make sure that the translated text is reviewed and edited by another experienced and qualified translator.
5. Say No to Machine Translation
Utilizing machine translations is one of the biggest blunders committed by some of the organizations. They might not have realized the reason for their decline, but the real fact for bad reputation or huge losses is just due to machine translation. This type of translation only focuses on quantity; it does not take into account the cultural implications of the target language, thereby resulting in poor translation.
6. Sharing Client Feedback Openly With the Staff
Client feedback is entirely based on his experience of associating with your translation services. No matter, that the feedback is positive or negative, you must share it openly and honestly with your staff (team of translators). If it is a negative feedback, then motivate them to correct where they are going wrong. In case of a positive feedback, you can award them with appreciation and motivate to continue the quality work.
It is not a daunting task to redefine quality measures in your translation services. You just need to be attentive and focused on the above quality- guaranteeing methods.