7 Tips on How to Localize Website for Increasing Sales Graph
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TridIndia on
December 22, 2016
Views: 5,443
Do you really feel that your website is relevant enough to cater to the foreign markets that might be non-native to you? The business world is no more limited to just one market segment or the demographics of one country; rather it has diversified and transmuted completely into a global world that advocates for communicating with multi-cultured individuals and clients. Also, besides being global, the world has digitalized; evoking the need for localizing websites as per the language and culture of the target audience. This is not only important for reaching to a wider audience, but is actually directly proportional to the sales of your company.
Hence, it is evident that every entrepreneur or an aspiring entrepreneur must be mindful of the valuable and productive tips for localizing the website. Your sales graph will definitely improver by conforming to the following tips:
1. Shun or Avoid Concatenation
Concatenation basically means to link together. It links two separately placed texts alongside, so that they can be treated as one thing. Although the character strings that are concatenated, saves space and makes the code more efficient (by addressing as a single item in the code), yet it generates real problems while website localization into various languages other than English. Concatenation of the text strings, simply make the translators cry.
2. Split A/B Test
This test displays two different versions of the same page to the target user. So, with split A/B testing, you can measure which one works the best for your firm and then you can make improvements accordingly. You need to repeat the process until a perfection stage is reached. It will eventually add value to your clients and improve the conversion ratios.
3. Schema
Using schema, one can tell Google the language for which the same page has been translated and localized. If you do not do so, then Google might penalize your website and mark your content as duplicate or spam. Hence every firm should take it as mandatory to define the different languages for localization, using schema.
4. Local Domain
For attracting more customers, it is worthy to have a localized domain name. The lucrative benefit of localized domain names is not only limited to the algorithmic benefit; rather it has increased relevancy as people become more certain of shipping norms, currencies and various other cultural marketplace issues.
5. Sitemap and Global Links
If you desire quick and improved results, never forget or neglect to update your sitemap, in order to include the local versions. It is advisable to create a new local sitemap, if local versions run locally. Also, create a new footer on the websites with all the international websites, if using local domains.
6. Feeds, Apps and Social Media
It will be great if you localize whatever you can, but do not forget to incorporate all the internal and external data sources, fed into your website. Social media channels also need to be localized, so that your local website gets mentions and links locally.
7. CMS Support
CMS can support multilingual versions of a page. This can either be via a 3rd party plugin or out of the box. Your CMS of choice would require to support the capability to import and export text as XML.
Before your localized website is ready for release, it is wise to test it with in-situ natives. This will help you spot the minute changes that you might have ignored. You can even test the website with the local demographics on which the site will be aimed at. This way you’ll surely get your followership and eventually sales, boosted.